Obama’s Communist Czar of [Expletive Deleted] Identification Hits Unemployment Line – Unemployment Hits 9.71%

Obama Adviser Resigns

According to a report by the Associated Press, Van Jones, President Barack Hussein Obama’s appointed Green Jobs Czar, one of a plethora of advisors selected by The One to hold positions of power largely immune to congressional oversight, formally resigned late last night.

The resignation came in the wake of escalating controversy over everything from Jones’ confirmed status as a communist to his captured-on-video, expletive-packed rant against those less inclined towards communism than he and President Obama.

A communist booted from the White House?

Now that’s change America can believe in.


For more, please visit the FIRE BREATHING CHRISTIAN BLOGWIRE or head on over to the full FIRE BREATHING CHRISTIAN WEBSITE – Copyright 2009 S.A.Buss

About FireBreathingChristian

I am a wretch saved by grace by a God who, for His purposes and glory, chose to save me while I still hated Him. Woohoo! I am also the founder of R3V Press, publisher of books including "Fire Breathing Christians", "Apathetic Christianity: The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity", "Satan's Jackass: The Progressive Party's War on Christianity", "Stupid Elephant Tricks: The Other Progressive Party's War on Christianity", "The Beginning of Knowledge: Christ as Truth in Apologetics", and "Fiat Slavery: The Economics of Hell (and America)".
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16 Responses to Obama’s Communist Czar of [Expletive Deleted] Identification Hits Unemployment Line – Unemployment Hits 9.71%

  1. Billiam says:

    Except I don’t think he left completely. He left his post, his ‘Czar-hood’ if you will, but, I’m betting he’s still on the payroll. Likely in the background.


    • firebreathingchristian says:

      Could well be. It’s difficult for any of us to know with any precision what is going on with these Czar-types…which is precisely the point, I’m sure.


    • Carlos says:

      Jones will probably end up being a technical adviser, also known as an unregistered lobbyist (highly unethical and illegal in this most ethical and transparent of administrations) just like Duh-1’s buddy Tom Daschle.

      Having grown up in the hood Obama knows how to game the system to the max.


  2. Billiam says:

    No doubt. The One has definitely gone way overboard in his usurpation of power.


    • firebreathingchristian says:

      Absolutely, but then again that’s turning out to be a very good thing as the nationwide pushback against Obamaism just builds and builds in response…



  3. zombyboy says:

    Yeah, Obama has definitely overreached–but the good thing is that Americans are naturally cynical about their politicians and their celebrities (he certainly qualifies in either category), and will push back.

    The pushing back has definitely begun.


    • firebreathingchristian says:

      Amen to all o’ that, zombyboy!

      The pushback is definitely on!

      The scary bit in a “whew, I’m so glad that didn’t happen” sense is that if The One had pushed Obamacare before the stimulus, both would have almost surely been long passed by now. Talk about getting a creepy feelin’…

      …whew, I’m glad that didn’t happen! heh!


  4. Kevin g says:

    Yes, the percentage of unemployed in our country is disturbing. What do you suppose that number would be today if Bush were still in office or McCain?


    • firebreathingchristian says:

      Good question, Kevin!

      Of course, there’s no way to know and I wouldn’t say that W and McCain are completely interchangeable, but generally speaking, I think that the stimulus and other Obamanomics actions have made a bad situation even worse and made the length and depth of the downturn in many areas worse than it would have otherwise been. This includes the jobless rate.

      Heck, Obama himself claimed it would not be getting nearly this bad on the jobs front if we bought into the stimulus…which we did…

      What do you think? Did O make it worse than W would have if her were there?


  5. Billiam says:

    Kevin, the unemployment numbers have been rigged for decades so as to make it seem less than it is. The number does not include those no longer recieving unemployment, those who’ve stopped looking for work, and those who’ve lost a full time job and had to settle for a part time one. The real number is somewhere between 14-16% It wouldn’t matter who is in office right now. These things happen in cycles. By the time Obama leaves office, the economy should have started recovering, or may even have recovered. It’s a 6-8 year cycle.


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  7. Susan Crane says:

    President Obama’s use of the term CZAR is distasteful and is reminiscent of slavery and our freedom is at risk.

    I know I am not the first person to raise an eyebrow over the excessive amount of times I have heard President Obama referring giving “new and prospective” committee leaders the title of CZAR! It is quite a topic on all talk radio and TV shows. The title CZAR should be banned from use in any of our government agencies. Its meaning according to Webster is, “One with absolute power and authority.” It is derived from a Russian term “tzcar” and from Caesar “Czar”. This is revolting and a threat to our freedom to say the least. Did Mr. Obama skip World History 101?

    The term CZAR was first put into use by Russia’s much dreaded leader “Ivan the Terrible”, who plundered Russia’s rich estates, killed their owners and took their land. He (Ivan the Terrible) forced the peasantry to remain in bondage to their new land owners (slavery) HUM. I am literally “blown-away” to think our president would want the word CZAR to be used with any government official’s title within the United States. So far we have Health Care CZAR, Internet CZAR, and the Environment CZAR, Green Jobs CZAR, FCC CZAR, Manufacturing CZAR, Car CZAR, Science and Technology CZAR, to list a few of the 32 CZARS (soon to be 42). The title of CZAR is also associated with the dreaded Drug CZARs from South America and Mexico. The list seems to be growing daily. Remember these CZARs will have absolute power and authority.

    I find the title of CZAR to be degrading and is a disgraceful title for any U.S. official, because, of the slavery connotations it dredges up. We have many other honorable titles to call our leaders within the English language, why CZAR. Why do we sit back and allow Mr. Obama to borrow a title originating from a Communist / Socialistic / Soviet (Russia) country? It also has the tones of Marxism! Are we going to be enslaved by the Obama administration? Is this not taking us backwards? Or, are his plans to subvert our Constitutional right to freedom and alter our political structure that has given our country strength for over 200 years? Is the next CZAR going to be the Crime CZAR who will go house to house to rid Americans their right to bear arms…in the name protection! From whom? From whom…the bad guys or the government

    All Americans should be outraged and screaming loud and long to make sure that CZAR not be associated with our country and most certainly our countries leaders. To me it conjures up thoughts of slavery! All Americans know all to well how slavery and bondage hurt our countrymen, by the cost in lives to grant freedom for those who were enslaved. Americans should realize these CZARs will have absolute power and authority and the noose of freedom is beginning to be tightened. Scary, Obama has only been in office for seven months!

    These appointed CZARs will have absolute power and authority over businesses, stifling entrepreneurs, free speech rights on air-ways and television (FCC Czar) will be at risk; The “eco-friendly” (Environment CZAR), and will be dictating to us how and what to buy. The Health Care CZAR will dictate our medical needs and when we can receive needed care. The Internet CZAR will have all power and authority to shut the internet down, thus shutting down businesses, stifling their productivity, thus breaching their freedom of speech and for all citizens who use the internet. This is the beginning of Socialism / Communism which is enslavement of the US Citizens by our own government. Our freedom is being stripped, our civil rights will soon have no meaning, nor will the U.S. Constitution. Again, the noose of freedom is beginning to be tightened. Remember he has only been in office for seven months.

    Americans need to wake up! WE DON”T NEED 42 plus CZARS running around telling us what to do. Remember CZAR is conjoined with “Ivan the Terrible” a known slave master! So far, several of the appointees have a proven track record to be far left radical extremists. Van Jones is the first to fall; thanks to citizen outcry…there will be more. Another question to ask yourself, “Do we need any of these appointed CZARs? We Americans have had a great system of “checks and balances” set within our Constitution and they have worked for over two hundred years. I believe these CZARs will upset our businesses and cause many to close their doors as they will not have the freedom to continue in the successes they created. Businesses (large and small), have been the very back bone of our country and these CZARs will create discouragement for future entrepreneurs. This means that our children and grandchildren will find it difficult going into business, let alone make a living for their families, because of this administration’s history making / record breaking spending spree. Future generations will be indentured to this debt before they take their first breath of life. Yes, Obama or the next administration will have to raise our taxes and they will be at staggering proportions! Canadians for example, pay 41.75 – 52% of their family income in taxes in most provinces. This means a moderate Canadian income earner pays the top marginal income tax rate (combined federal and provincial) of 52 percent on an income of just $59,000. However, in the Eastern provinces they pay up to 80% plus in taxes.

    What happened to the promises Obama spewed out of his mouth during his campaign for presidency? “CHANGE” is still ringing in my ears, shrink big Government by minimize their spending and remove “ear-marks” and “pork barrel” spending. And, most importantly his promise to not increase our taxes. Who is he fooling? He must think we are stupid! Is one CZAR going to work by himself? No, he is going to need a full blown committee to help him draft new laws / rules and each state will need committees to work with his CZARs to make sure these rules or laws are enforced. Smaller government! Yeh, Right! Sounds like “Big Brother” to me!

    I am 63 years young, it is the first time in my life that my government leaders have really struck my nerves and I am SCARED of the path that Obama is leading us down. I have never seen so much division in our country’s leaders and the President let alone with their constituents. And, for Nancy Pelosi to call us, “A bunch of Nazis”, because we exercised our freedom of speech is absurd. Americans should be calling for her resignation and not just an apology. Just think, God forbid she could become the president. What are our elected officials doing, they are suppose to be guarding our Constitutional rights. I have voted since I was 21 (legal age at the time for voting). I was proud that Americans elected the first African American to the nation’s highest position. But, at what cost? I am a proud Republican voter! Note: During this session of Congress, Republicans need go in swinging at the Democrats. You have been hearing through Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties what your constituents want…GO FOR IT! LISTEN TO US!

    I sent an e-mail to whitehouse.org voicing my concerns and received a receipt in return. I know the President will not read it…because it does not speak in his favor and he is “turning a deaf ear” to the concerns of ALL Americans. I feel if this letter is posted in the major newspaper editorials the President might just hear about it or possibly read it. I have spoken to many people about the CZAR issue and all agree this administration is getting out of hand. I am not a “far right extremist” just a grandmother who is concerned about the direction our country is being led. I have heard it said, “Republicans are trying to undermine the President”…it is my opinion and others that he is undermining himself. One can just look at the polls; his approval rating is going down hill like a freight train out of control. His ratings speak volumes…Democrats across the country are dropping their support! He has been traveling the country making 200 plus speeches, (more speeches than his days in office) trying to convince Americans to approve of his Health Care Reform. Yes we need Health Care reform but not on the backs of tax payers today or in the future. Reform should begin with the insurance carriers by making it affordable for all families, and not dropping you because your health care needs are high or have pre-existing conditions.

    How can he possibly tend to policy making and being our Commander in Chief by traveling state to state promoting the Health Care reform? He has given our law makers stimulus packages bills, and the Health Reform bill, and has not given lawmakers ample time to read them. These bills were not written by Congress and debated across the aisle, but by his hand-picked Democratic friends including Nancy Pelosi orchestrating the pen. He wants his bills rushed through! Is this what we can expect of him when a bill (any bill) is put on his desk for his signature, he will scan his eyes over it and sign it, without looking at the impact it may have on the citizens of the United States. Well, summer recess is over Mr. President and so is your popularity contest.

    “The above comments are my opinions”. It is still the 1st Amendment Right to voice your opinion freely.

    Susan Crane
    Show Low, AZ


  8. Susan Crane says:

    Thanks Zack…help spead the message. Please! I don’t know why Americans have not put this into the proper prospective.


  9. Tracy W says:

    I know about the jobless rate firsthand;I was laid off about a year ago after 20 yrs. in retail/grocery business. T here are not any jobs out there!!! Furthermore I do not see any changes for the better thus far with the Obama administration. I do however see some scary things going on around me; I will not pledge my loyality to anyone , especially someone who does not believe in God.One Nation Under God.. Last time I checked that was the principle belief that this nation was founded under . Someone needs to tell Obama .


  10. Animal Mother says:

    In Michigan we just hit 15.2% unemployment. And is getting worse all the time. Remember 15% does not give you the total # of people out of work just the ones collecting unemployment id say its more like 20% to 25%. I’m lucky I’m one of the 23 left out of a business of 100 employees. Ive seen alot of sadness in the last few years. We need big change in this nation and we need it yesterday…….

    Side note is it me or does Nancy Pelosi look like she taking way too much Valium? She looked like a puppet during The presidents speech on heath care.


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